Curriculum High School

Course Curriculum: The Total Test Boot Camp

Mastering Every Kind of Standardized, Timed-Essay Writing Exam

The Total Test Boot Camp emphasizes the types of writing that students will see on the SAT, ACT, AP, and other high-stakes, writing exams. Students learn strategies and receive ample practice so that will be able to take these exams with confidence.

The Approach

Every course begins with a discussion of specific strategies for approaching timed-writing exams. This is followed by putting students on the clock in an actual timed-writing environment. Each course ends with a review and discussion of the experience. The next day each student is provided with detailed notes on their strengths and weaknesses, prepared by the teacher, and called student assistant.

Week 1

Writing Task

Week one will focus on the types of shorter-form essays that students will likely see in AP and other high-stakes settings. Essays will be completed in 20 to 25 minutes.

  • Understanding the strategies and approaches to excel on any short-form timed essay.
  • Learning repeatable organizational structures that can be applied to any timed essay.
  • Practicing time-budgeting strategies that ensure that students make it through the essay without rushing any part of the paper.
  • Internalizing strategic academic phrases, stems, and vocabulary that will give essays intellectual and academic heft.
  • Engaging in a detailed review of each finished essay with the teacher and college-student assistant, and reflecting on strengths and weaknesses.
  • Engaging in the feedback/revision cycle.
  • Learn strategies to move quickly and effectively through short-form essays.

Week 2

Writing Task

Students will write four timed essays, two using, timed SAT writing prompts and two using ACT prompts. These tasks typically require multiple-paragraph efforts and give students 45 to 50 minutes to complete the paper.

  • Learning fast outlining techniques for multiple-paragraph papers that allow students to get into the writing quickly.
  • Learning repeatable organizational structures that always work when introducing, developing, and concluding academic papers.
  • Practicing time-budgeting strategies that ensure that students make it through the entire essay without rushing any part of the paper.
  • Internalizing academic phrases, stems, and vocabulary that will give essays intellectual and academic heft.
  • Engaging in a detailed review of each finished essay with the teacher and college student assistant, and reflecting on strengths and weaknesses.

The Final Report

At the conclusion of the boot camp, all students will receive a detailed report prepared by the teacher and college-student assistant. The report will discuss each student’s strengths and weaknesses and provide recommendations about how students can continue to improve as academic writers.

Ready to get started?

Our workshops create college-ready writers and give your child a competitive edge.

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